Do’s and Dont’s of Otoplasty Surgery Care

Otoplasty Surgery Care

Otoplasty surgery is a very popular facial plastic surgery that changes the position, shape, and size of the ear. 

Otoplasty surgery is a major surgery. However, still most people can continue with their day after the surgery because there is no general anesthesia involved in the procedure. 

We have discussed the the tips for quick otoplasty recovery and common do’s and don’ts of your ear care. These are easy-to-follow tips for otoplasty recovery. 

We have also included top ear pillows for otoplasty surgery care. The ear pillows will help you sleep better with surgery pain and discomfort. You will heal better when you can get good sleep.

12 Tips for Quick Otoplasty Recovery

Keep your Head Elevated at Night

It is normal to have pain and some swelling in the first few weeks after the otoplasty surgery. Keeping your head elevated at night will reduce inflammation, swelling, and redness around the ears. 

Occupy some pillows from the house on your bed, keep them by your side and use them at night. These pillows are your huggers and friends when you are healing from the otoplasty surgery.

Eat Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet is a good habit. It keeps you healthy and keeps your immune system running at an optimal level.

The importance of a healthy diet is two-fold when you are recovering. A good diet will help you with your immune system and healing. It will keep the balance of nutrients and vitamins in your body. If you face difficulty in chewing solid food, you can make use of juices and smoothies.

Keep Your Head Cool

You will need to avoid sweating. Adjust the temperature of your room to make it cool. The sweat can interfere with your surgery healing. 

Another helpful accessory for otoplasty recovery is the ear pillow or donut pillow with an ear hole. The ear pillow with a hole keeps a distance between your ear and bedding. This keeps the air flowing and stops sweating.

Take Medicine Regularly

Follow your prescription. Taking medicine regularly will help you recover quickly and bring down swelling. 

The unnecessary pain that people inflict on themselves can be avoided by taking medicine regularly. You have cared enough for your looks to go through otoplasty surgery, have little more compassion for yourself and take medicine to heal.

Don’t Rub Ears Excessively

You will need to wear headbands after otoplasty surgery. The headband can be itchy and can cause irritation. Fight the urge to scratch and do not rub your ear. It is necessary to get the best results from the surgery and you will also dodge possible severe pain and discomfort.

Don’t Smoke when you are healing

Stop smoking when you are healing, if you have not already stopped. Smoking can get into your way of otoplasty recovery.

Don’t Touch the Incision Lines

Incisions are fault lines of your ear after otoplasty surgery. A strict prohibition about the incision lines is for the reason that touching the incision lines may dislocate your ear and you may not get the best results from your otoplasty surgery. You want to look your best and touching the incision lines will not get you there.

Don’t Do High Intensity Exercises

High intensity exercises put a lot of strain on your body and cause sweating. Otoplasty surgery is a major procedure and your body will take its time to fully recover from the surgery. Keep yourself to light exercise like walking etc and refrain yourself from high intensity exercise for up to eight weeks.

Stay in the Shade or Indoors

When you expose yourself to heat and sun for a long duration, it will cause sweating and irritation under the headband. Also, since you are healing from the surgery, putting your body into extra work may not be the best choice.

Don’t use Heat Producing Hair-styling Tools

Hair styling tools such as hair blow dry and hair straightening tools produce a lot of heat. This excessive heat near your ears is harmful. Your ears are not at their best after the otoplasty surgery and your body’s danger alarm is semi-shut. Your ears feel numb after the surgery; you may cause yourself an injury with this excessive heat around your ears.

No Shampoo for Two Weeks

Do not shampoo your hair for at least two weeks after the otoplasty surgery. The chemicals in the shampoo may cause irritation and itchy feelings. 

Top 3 Ear Pillows for Post Otoplasty Surgery Care

Here is a curated list of top 3 Ear Pillows / donut pillows for ear pain, these ear pillows with a hole help you sleep better and heal better.

SleepEasy CNH Pillow 

Dr. Cannon, a renowned dermatologist, thought of a pillow with a hole for ear patients in the late 1980s.

Coming from a dermatologist, this pillow ticks all the boxes for a perfect ear pillow. SleepEasy CNH pillows come with a washable 100% cotton soft pillow cover and polyurethane fill. 

The ear hole size on this pillow is just perfect for ear patients and people recovering from otoplasty surgery.  Check SleepEasy CNH PIllow today.

PureComfort Ear Pillow

PureComfort Ear Pillow comes with memory foam in it. You can adjust its height by moving the filling around. Memory foam is comfortable and lasts longer. The added advantage is of 100% cotton pillow cover which is washable and can be replaced easily.

Remedy Counter Pillow Ear Pillow

Remedy Contour PIllow is a side sleepers’ special pillow. This is a U-shaped pillow and it provides excellent support to the head, neck, shoulder area. This is a small pillow and you can carry it around anywhere with you.

Pro Tip: Learn more about donut pillows, their benefits, uses and types of donut pillows in our ultimate donut pillow guide.