About Us

You're on the path to wellness. And we’re right there with you.
We evaluate and recommend products that will improve your wellness.
Through straightforward, expert-reviewed, person-first experiences, we help you make wellness decisions simpler, smarter, and stress-free for you.
Our aim is to inform, inspire and motivate you in your pursuit of a balanced and healthy lifestyle through steadfast research, professional advice, and real stories.

Our Experts
The team at Top Health Gear has decades of experience providing valuable insights to young, adults and seniors alike.
Our mission is to help you achieve optimal wellness through peace of mind, physical fitness, nutritional balance, a flourishing family life, and healthy aging.
Our content is reliable and relatable if you need information about wellness, fitness trends, and nutrition tips.

Top Health Gear Editorial
Our goal at Top Health Gear is to make health and wellness information accessible, understandable, and actionable so that readers can make informed health decisions.
Our content is written, fact-checked, reviewed, and edited by qualified writers, editors, and other experts. To ensure accuracy, each piece of clinical content is thoroughly reviewed by wellness professionals.